Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Story of Rick

Sup dawgs, today I come baring a gift. This gift, however, is not a material item. No, my friends, it is a story. The story of how DPBE's latest video came to be. It follows a fictitious student, Rick Vester, who is a fifth year freshman at UNI. Rick came to be when my good friend Robert Casey Hostert came back with a wig. I have no idea how he came to posses such an item, but when he put it on he looked like a stoner. Not just any stoner, an incredibly stupid stoner. Cole added that he looked like some whose name should be Rick, and thus, a star was born. He would wear the wig occasionally, and even convinced some parents that he had been a freshman at UNI for five years, taking a class or two per semester and passing about half of them. That was last school year, but when Casey rediscovered the wig this year, Rick was once again. It wasn't until we were supremely bored one Saturday nigh that we decide to make a mockumentary about his life. After ten minutes of half-ass planning, we spent like 40 minutes filming the goods. Watching it, it should be blatantly obvious that we took only one cut of every scene, I had no idea what Wes was going to say and I was laughing on camera, and we did minor video editing only. But in the end, I believe we made a mildly to extremely entertaining 13.5 minute video. Yes it's a little long, and we maybe shouldn't have put in the section about his childhood that makes you feel sorry for him, but it is still gold nonetheless. Here is the video, and I hope you enjoy the "findings" of investigative reporter Hugh Jass. 

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